Answered By: Stark State College Digital Library
Last Updated: Aug 08, 2016     Views: 53

Hi Melanie,

Here is a link to the article. It may require you to sign in if you are off campus.  I found it in our database Education Research Complete.  To find a specific article you can follow these steps:

1) from our webpage in the bottom left box called Research, click on Find a Journal by Title (you will need to sign in)

2) type in YC Young Children and hit search

3) if you had the publication year you would begin to narrow by clicking on the year.  In this case you did not have that information so you can click on Search Within this Publication  (the link is in blue and found above where the title is listed) 

4) in the second box (leave the jounral title in the first box as it appears) type in keywords.  I typed in babies on board.  

5) the article showed up! 

Hope this helps!  Let me know if you need additional assistance.  


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