Answered By: Stark State College Digital Library
Last Updated: Aug 08, 2016     Views: 73

1) Begin at the library
2) Down the center of the page there are research guides by subject. It sounds like your topic is focusing more on the medical side of ADHD and medication. I would suggest clicking on Nursing.
3) Once on the Nursing guide, look on the left side of the page. You will see links to our databases from both on and off campus.
4) I'm assuming you are off campus and the database I would recommend is called Nursing Source: Academic Edition. You will be asked to choose Stark State from a drop down menu then enter your SSC username and password.
5) Once the database comes up click Advanced Search below the search box. This will bring up a variety of limiting options.
6) The options you will want to choose are EBSCO Full Text and Peer Reviewed (this option will limit your search to scholarly articles).
7) In the search boxes at the top you will want to type in keywords that best describe your topic. An example would be ADHD and Children and Medication. That is a simple search to start with. You may also try typing in specific medications that you may know of.

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